IB Programme Questions? Call (813)276-5620 or email IB Coordinator Mr. Mikulec: mike.mikulec@hcps.net         Contact Us



Applications are scored based on the following:  most recent report card and FSA (or standardized test scores).

The following criteria are expected for admission into the IB program:

  • A/B average on the most recent report card
  • FSA scores in Reading- (Standardized tests will be accepted for students who did not take Hillsborough County state testing)
  • Math- (Standardized tests will be accepted for students who did not take Hillsborough County state testing), Alg. 1 required.
    • Please note that the district county office will request school records.
    • No serious discipline infraction or repeated history of disciplinary problems
    • No persistent attendance problems

Application Process

  • 1st Application Window:TBA
  • Acceptance letters will be sent from the district office.
  • Acceptance letters must be returned to us as well as registration paperwork to secure a slot in the IB program.

IB Shadowing

Click here to view the IB Shadowing information.