IB Programme Questions? Call (813)276-5620 or email IB Coordinator Mr. Mikulec: mike.mikulec@hcps.net         Contact Us


Quick Links 


  • Four Year Plan of Study: Click Here
  • Semester 1 Rotation Schedule: Coming Soon
  • Tutoring Schedule 2024-2025: Coming Soon
  • IB Faculty List: Click Here
  • Common App: Click Here
  • Looking for CAS Opportunities that you can do from home? Covid CAS List
  • IB Shadowing Opportunity: Coming Soon
  • SDHC 2024-2025 Student Calendar: Click here
  • Carpool Connection 24/25 Click Here
  • Student Athletic Forms and info: Click Here
  • Canvas Login and Password help: Click Here
  • Learn More about the IB Alliance here.
  • Join the IB Alliance and stay up to date here.
  • Donate here


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