IB Programme Questions? Call (813)276-5620 or email IB Coordinator Mr. Mikulec: mike.mikulec@hcps.net         Contact Us

Who Benefits When Families Join IB Alliance? We all do!

As fellow HHS IB parents, we’re so proud to say that our children attend the #1 IB high school in our county! Such a great school deserves great support, and at IB Alliance that’s our mission. We’re a 501c3, membership-based, nonprofit organization of IB parents who partner with teachers and administration, students, and the community to ensure that we all continue to benefit from this tremendous program.
At IB Alliance, our first priority is to make the IB experience successful for every child.


From the incoming class spaghetti dinner to an IB family directory, we help connect students and families to form enduring friendships. We also provide assistance to students in need with school supplies and fund faculty department grants to purchase needed school items when the district budget doesn't cover all the resources our IB students and IB faculty need to succeed.


We provide IB related information through e-newsletters, host Q&A sessions with the School Principal, IB Coordinator, IB Guidance Counselor, and teachers, as well as invite guest speakers to inform about topics like college and scholarship resources, study habits, and managing stress.  We also pay for and manage the HHSIB.org website.


We celebrate our students’ achievements by hosting the IB pinning ceremony, class incentive parties and grade level treat days, a luncheon for visiting Swedish students, and senior traditions including a memorable end of year banquet. We also celebrate our stellar IB faculty with a welcome breakfast, holiday lunch, and teacher appreciation week events, in addition to fulfilling teacher wish lists and other staff support.

Why should you join IB Alliance?

Simply put, to help us continue our nearly 30 plus year-old tradition of excellence at HHS IB, where our children receive a world-class education that prepares them for future success. This tradition remains vibrant because of our faculty and staff, generous donors, members, and volunteers invest deeply in a shared belief: that our students will, and must, become intelligent and empathetic leaders who will help make the world more just.
Thank you for the commitment and generosity you continue to share with this community.
With gratitude,
The IB Alliance

Go Big Red!