IB Programme Questions? Call (813)276-5620 or email IB Coordinator Mr. Mikulec: mike.mikulec@hcps.net         Contact Us

College and Career News 

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Seniors -If you have a smartphone rmd.at/terriers22 or no smartphone text the message @terriers22 to 81010 

Juniors - If you have a smartphone rmd.at/terriers23 or no smartphone text the message @terriers23 to 81010 

Sophomores - If you have a smartphone rmd.at/terriers24 or no smartphone text the message @terriers24 to 81010 

Freshmen - If you have a smartphone rmd.at/terriers25 or no smartphone text the message @terriers25 to 81010. 


To receive updates by email send your email address to Mrs. Wanner at deborah.wanner@hcps.net or follow on Twitter @CCCHillsborough.