IB Programme Questions? Call (813)276-5620 or email IB Coordinator Mr. Mikulec: mike.mikulec@hcps.net         Contact Us


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 Welcome to Hillsborough High School IB Alliance

Make sure to log in to the IB Alliance database to receive important updates!

Please check your class page regularly for updates! 



Check back for IB Alliance 2025/2026 Board Self-Nomination link!

 All class t-shirts are $20 each, with all proceeds going to the respective IB class's Senior Banquet!

Available in either white or gray.

The orders will be sent each month for printing and will be delivered to the homeroom teacher.

The last day to order is Wednesday, April 30th!

 - Follow this link to order - 



Please follow this link for all IB Senior Parent Meeting info, Banquet Info and Fundraisers.



HHS IB Seniors and HHS IB Senior Friends, you're invited to take part in the most delicious fundraiser of the year. By ordering a dozen (or two) original glazed doughnuts, 50% of the order will be donated back to HHS IB Seniors!

From now until March 15, you can get your dozens using our fundraising sales page here: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for HHS IB Seniors

How it works: purchase your dozens online, visit your nearest Krispy Kreme store & redeem using your code. You can also purchase doughnuts and gift the redemption codes to friends and family across the country or perhaps some well-deserving colleagues!

Thank you in advance for your support; we hope you enjoy this sweet offer.

P.S. Dozens are redeemable nationwide, so feel free to share this page with other doughnut lovers!  

Each quarter, IB Alliance schedules an IB Student Incentive Day is designed to celebrate, motivate, reward and recognize the IB students throughout the year, by offering consumable treats during lunch.
We have been asked how families can contribute, and one way is to support our quarterly student incentive days gift card drive! Please consider a monetary donation or gift card donation to offset the costs!
We are collecting any amount, digital gift cards or physical gift cards from:

• Publix

• Target

• WalMart

• Costco

Digital gift cards can be sent to hhsiballiance@gmail.com
Physical gift cards can be given by students to either their homeroom teacher or Mr. Mikulec. Mr. Mikulec has a gift card dropbox in his office.
Would you rather make a donation? Follow this link to make a donation. Make a tax-deductible donation to IB Alliance,Inc. Any amount is greatly appreciated. IB Alliance, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization under IRS Regulations.
View a short slideshow of some of the students from the September 18, 2024 IB Student Incentive Day here. See December 12th's social media post here.

 Join the IB Alliance!
Signing up is easy. We use Membership Toolkit to stay in touch and up to date with everything IB.

1. Create a Membership Toolkit Account

  • Create a Membership Toolkit account if you don't already have one.

- OR -

  • Simply log in to your account.
Register / Login

2. Verify Your Account

  • Verify your email by clicking the link sent to your inbox.
  • Update your contact information.
Update Profile
  • Review your privacy settings for the directory.
Directory Settings

3. Choose your Membership

  • Pick your membership, submit the form then check out using PayPal
Pick Membership


Already have an account? Login here

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We’re a 501c3, membership-based, nonprofit organization of IB parents who partner with teachers and administration, students, and the community to ensure that we all continue to benefit from this tremendous program. As a 501c3 organization, we operate purely out of membership dues and donations. All your help is truly appreciated and helps us continue our tradition and involvement in IB! 

A big thanks for all your support!


Learn More about us here.

Join the IB Alliance and stay up to date here.


Donate here


Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App.